Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Miraculous Moment We Have Been Waiting For: Fire the Grid video clips online

Dearly Beloved Friends,

I am inviting you to join in a "RE-BIRTHDAY" PARTY FOR our PLANET !

For all of you who love humanity, for all of you who asked, "What can I do to help?" this is the moment we have been waiting for.

Please take a few moments to watch the attached videos on YOU-TUBE. It is the story of a phenomenal woman named Shelley Yates who, with only three people and no budget, has created an amazing GLOBAL PROJECT that has touched the hearts of millions.

It is called


The GRID refers to the body of energy that surrounds the planet made up of each and everyone of us 6 Billion of us connecting to the ONE of us.

This event is taking place for one hour on:

July 17th at 11:11 am. G.M.T. (Greenwich Mean Time)

Shelley's story of death and rebirth, both for herself, and her four year old son, and now for a dying planet, is so amazing that,
with only three people and no budget, it has touched the hearts of 8 or nine million in 87 countries.

Go to and read her message. Watch these videos and catch her enthusiasm.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8: (4.5 min)

She is so authentic in telling her story of how she moved from being a miserable, unhappy depressed single mother on welfare and Prozac, to a joy-filled woman making a tramendous difference on the planet, that you can't help but be moved.

The wonderful thing is she is telling us that the only thing we all have to do is CELEBRATE whatever gives us joy, for one beautiful hour, all at the same time, to raise the spiritual energy of this planet for all time.

And that is just the begininng. Once we have joined, and lifted the energy of the planet to the vibrational frequency of joy and gratiude, there will be a new project called Project CAUSE which will join ALL the efforts of humankind in an outpouring of love and healing for our Beloved Mother Earth, so that ALL the people of this human family have clean water, air, healthy food, and a place to sleep at night.

Isn't that cause for celebration?

That means if you want to make love to your partner, or bring your kids into bed with you and cuddle, or sing or dance, or listen to beautiful music, or rejoice and think of loved ones who have passed on, or meditate, or simply kick back and watch the sun rise, whatever brings you fully into your heart and fills it with love, that is what is needed at this time.

Can you get behind that?

I sure can.

I am throwing my party on the beach in Vancouver. We will gather at sunset, and stay there all night, until the sun comes up at dawn. The event begins here at 4:11 a.m. and goes until 5:11 a.m. Dawn is at 4:25 a.m. Sunrise is at 5:25 a.m.

Please join me in bringing in the new dawn for a new humanity.

Practice Random Acts of Kindness. Find your own joy and practice it. Listen to music of high vibration that uplifts you and fills your heart with joy

You can Heal our Planet (5:35):
(available in multiple languages, a text intro for people)
All are getting thousands of hits.

Someones invitation, visual with music (3:47)


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