Sunday, December 31, 2006

MEET EACH OTHER! And Together Let's Have the Best Year Yet!

I want you all to know that as I look at this new year of 2007, I see great hope. I am so excited by this vision that I felt compelled to write to you all, and hopefully inspire you to begin joining in purpose with me to lift the world to a new way of seeing.

So, I am talking to all of you as if you were in my living room, where I am starting my Intenders Mastermind Circle. This is a group dedicated to making dreams come true. It begins with me, and I am inspired just thinking of all the amazing, magical and miraculous healings and enlightenments that happened in Spain this summer. There is no limit in time or space that cannot be transcended by a powerful intention. I see a world healed, I see prosperity and thriving economies all over the world, and people sharing the water and the air and the resources, and helping one another to grow and prosper.

More specifically, for the group of amazing young people that I was guided to meet this summer, I see a multi-media production of inspiring artists, musicians,film makers, writers and speakers, all teachers of Love, like myself, taking the world to the next level of wildly abundant joyful living through practicing the SECRET POWER of manifiesting.

The truth is that together we are unstoppable. AS Bon Jovi said in Live Aid, We ARE the World!
Michel Jarre just did a CONCERT FOR THE WATER IN MERZOUGA, the Oasis in  MORROCCO where I was this summer. I know musicians there as well. I promised Said I would do something for the planet. He promised he would write me a song that unites all, across the lines, neither Muslim, nor Jew, Nor Christian, nor Zorastrian, but ONE VOICE FOR LOVE AND PEACE AND HEALING AND PROSPERITY ON THIS PLANET.

This is the future, my friends, and I intend for us all to be a part of it!

So, down to practical details of HOW.

Kristian, and  Caroline and Gala, this is the email address of Bernardi productions in Granada. This is the recording studio owned by my friend Monica Bernardi and her husband Angel. I think there is a way for you, Kristian, to make your music video there, and record your songs. It is time to write some music, my friend, and be an Ambassador of the Light that you see all around everything now. Share your happiness with the world! Monica, Kristian is a FANTASTIC young artist, and with the right handling could become a star, easily. His boyfriend owns a school for musicians and actors in Barcelona. I want you to talk to each other!!! Kristian had an experience with me the way that you did. He has a message of joy and peace and happiness for his generation which has been lost, in the dark and in despair. He asked the Universe for help, and it sent him me, as it sent me to you and your family. I consider you both part of my soul family, and nothing would make me happier than to see you working together. Monica, this is the way to make your new career. Find young people like Christian and produce them. You will create a new wave of music in Spain, not the usual. but more inspiring. Then we will do live shows, and we will have inspiration for the nation!! Send a copy of this email to Oscar and make sure he emails me! Caroline  lives in Barcelona, downstairs from where I lived, near to the Unity Church minister, Carlos Romanillos. She has diting skill and film technical editing and shooting equipment. You could make music videos together, although she does not have faith, as you both do. Kristian, you met Caroline. She is the beautiful black woman with the wonderful afro that was in my building. She has a GREAT video camera, and the best equipment. She is very clever and quick and with it, and well trained. She is a great editor and has everything you need to do music videos. She can teach as well. She has a lovely little girl, about six years old. Her name is Charley. Monica is a film maker as well as having a recording studio. She has a little girl about two years old. Gala is a wonderful organizer and very efficient with great people skills. Gala is a GREAT producer. Marina has a fabulous production team for fashion photography in Barcelona and in South America. She is brilliant at getting things done, and has a wonderful community in Ibiza. Marily is working for Elizabeth Arden. She comes from Peurto Rico and is relocating from Gibraltar to Madrid.

I consider you all to be a part of my team. I want to be able to do a documentary when I come back. I want you all to be moving on your dreams, making them come true, so we can share the SECRET of amazing abundance and success coming from the Source of all prosperity and creativity with everyone!!! I intend to set Europe on FIRE with all of our talent and vision and our message of hope and healing for the planet. Together we can reach the youth of Europe and change the world through inspiring music and film. You are all young, beautiful, and talented. Maria is a fabulous artist and can do album covers and set design. She will travel anywhere and do anything to make it happen with her wonderful husband. I have had a chance to look at the wonderful things that happened in my last month in Barcelona and realize what is up with this trip and what is supposed to happen with all these gifted, loving young people I met. I love you all! let us spread the Voice for Love all over the world. In fact, Kristian, that should be the title of your next song!!! the Voice for LOVE! it is more powerful than death, more powerful than pain. It is the voice of peace, the voice of love, the voice of forgiveness, the voice of healing. Let's come together and start being the powerful ambassadors for peace that we can be. it is up to your generation to find a way to turn this thing around, give up its addiction to pain and suffering and despair and rage,  and let the healing begin.
You need to start working together. Get with it! Gala, do your thing to get them talking to each other, and keep Carlos in the loop. He is a WONDERFUL INSPIRING HEALER and his wife is wonderful also. Together you can reach the young people in Spain and wake them UP to the magnificent abundance that comes with faith in Spirit.
My email address is
May peace prevail.


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