Monday, October 02, 2006

Miracle in Barcelona

Dear Csongor,
You are in Egypt at this moment. I am in Barcelona. You do not know me, but, having watched your video on your website just now, I realize that you are someone who may understand the significance of what I am about to say to you.
I too am a healer. I work with healing the mind and with forgiveness, basically with A Course in Miracles, as a therapist. This year at Easter I was told to come to Spain where I would meet the love of my life in a cafe in Barcelona. There were many details around this message which was delivered to me in a market place, gratis, by a wonderful intuitive named Sonia Haynes. Working with her, she told me details about the man, and she suggested that I paint his face as I saw it.

After this session I lay down to rest and as I watched the trees outside my window a face took form amongst the leaves, a man with a high forehead, a goatee, smiling a wickedly knowing smile. I never forgot that face. I came to Barcelona in July. I stayed here for ten days, but no one appeared.

So I set out to explore Spain, and then I found myself in Morocco where I spent a month, and had many amazing adventures.
But, you may ask, what has that got to do with ME???

I will tell you. As I was going through my papers to decide what to send back to Canada, I came upon the brochure that Betty sent me about your trip to Egypt. I had for some reason put it with my things to bring as important. I thought maybe there might be a way for me to hook up with you in Egypt. But when I looked at the brochure, all of a sudden I recognized the face smiling out at me. It was YOUR FACE I SAW IN THE TREES, CSONGOR, complete with that knowing smile of yours. It was almost as if your image had winked at me! Bizarre, eh? I have no choice but to follow spirit and contact you.

I do not know what to make of all this. But I was dazzled by your energy, and the fact that you do distance healing. You are a beautiful, joyous person. I believe have been drawn to you through the mysteries of the Universe for a reason I do not understand. I hope you will take this communication in the spirit in which it is sent, as a mysterious occurrence with no attachment to outcome.
My website is
There you can read my blog, and learn a little about me.
Most sincerely yours in love and light,
Shelora Fitzgerald
May peace prevail.


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