Thursday, September 21, 2006

Free at last in Formantera!

I am not sure where I am going next, after I recuperate here in Formantera, but I have started writing, and that is good. It is beautiful here, peaceful, and safe. I have finally written the letter to the Professor I met in Erfoud, asking him to translate A Course in Miracles into Arabic. The Miracle of Gary Renard referring me to Judith Skutch, now Whitson, the publisher of A Course in Miracles, who responded by telling me ,"We have been waiting for you to emerge!" was the most amazing feeling of welcome and recognition, what the Course calls a Holy Instant. The Course community is my path and my future now in a way that is becoming clearer each day. I came to Europe to write, and I am writing!By hand, now, because I have lost my laptop, but it feels clear here. The light is exquisite, and the flow is easy. I am also painting watercolours of the rainbow panapoly of light that I see when I look at the light on the water. It is so relaxed here, and sophisticated. The first night I met a lovely man, a professor from France who has been coming here for forty five years. He has a house and garden here, and comes here to read and garden and relax. He has only one arm, because he lost the other in a tractor accident when he was young. A few months ago he fell on his other hand and broke all his fingers, but he could not let them put a cast on his fingers so they could heal, because then he could have done nothing! So I could not shake his hand, but he did write a letter in French for me, as a cover letter to Marie, who is a friend of the professor in Erfoud. I am praying that he will send me his address so that Judith can send him a copy of the Course, and that he will be willing to overlook its Christian language, and be willing to translate it into Arabic. After all, Helen Shucman never believed the content of the Course which she was asked to transcribe. She was an atheist, but her willingness and obedience to complete the task are why she was given it. She said it was as if she had agreed in some other time and place to accept the assignment. When she asked the Voice,the Voice of Christ, why she was chosen, the answer was, "Because I knew that you would do it!" The instruction was clear: "This is A Course in Miracles. Please take notes." Seven years later there was the 1200 page Text, Workbook, with its 365 lessons, one for each day of the year, and its Manual for Teachers of God. Every morning between seven and nine o'clock in the morning, these two professors of Medical Psychology, both atheistic in belief, transcribed what appears to be the greatest Scripture of the new milennium. After all the misinterpretation and political fanaticism surrounding Christianity, and all the wars fought over the Abrahamic religions, this Scripture shows a way out, a way to peace. It is deceptively simple. The way to peace is through peace. If we want peace, we must reñinquish all thoughts of attack, completely. If attack is not relinquished completely, it is not relingquished at all, and, since we are actually ALL the equal Sons of the same God, the illusion of separation is just that, and therefore  ALL attack is self attack!
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the Peace of God.
I have been carrying that illusion of the loss of innocence since I was nine years old. Here in Europe, with so much time alone to reflect and observe my mind, and study the Course, I am coming to a clarity of purpose that is extraordinary. The flow of miracles is constant, and I am always watching to see what each day will bring and how I will be directed to proceed. It is truly extraordinary in one sense, but extremely ordinary in another, for, as the Course says, "There is no order of difficulty in miracles. Miracles are ordinary. When they are not happening, something has gone wrong." The definition of a miracle, though, is not a spectacle used to inspire belief, as we think of it in the Bible. It is merely a shift in perception, from error to seeing what is real, and nothing that is real, either peace or innocence or truth, can be threatened. It simply IS. You do not have to believe it, or go to Church, or subscribe to it, or be converted to it. The Mind of God, which Einstein said he wanted to discover, and found in e0mc2, "the equation of my youth," the beauty and order of the Universe, the speed of light or infinity, boils down to this equation, which Einstein said was the equation of his age. LOVE=SPACE. Everyt molecule of space, every particle of our being, of the Universe, is carved exquisitely out of LOVE! In the space between the particles, it is LOVE. The love that consumes all, the love of God for his creation. Agape. Whatever you call it, by any other name, a rose is a rose is a rose. Love is not something which can be taught, but the Course simply aims to remove the obstacles to the direct experience of love, which is the only way to know it. This moves you from perception to knowledge, which is infinite in its power and simplicity, and which is the nature of mircles, which heal the mind first, and then the illusion of separation which is at the root of all forms of sickness, including the sick mind, or insanity, or the instanity of war, poverty, and even death. The worship of death as the ultimate solution is insane, and it is the source of the ego mind that is dominating the planet at this moment with its ridiculous beleif that the way to peace is through war. That is a nightmare, a delusion. But once we wake up and realize that the way to peace is to become the peace we seek, we are on the journey home to the Truth of who we are , which we have forgotten, yes, but which is ineradicable from the Mind of God, which we are all a part of, whether we believe or not. The good news in this is that Hell is here on earth, and by shifting our perception of it, through forgiving ourselves for our projections onto the world of fear and guilt and pain and suffering, we become purified, and we can experience Heaven on earth. This is what I am experiencing as I forgive the thefts, and the attachment to the material world that was so upsetting to me. As I let that go, the miracles that flood in, the connection with the publisher of the Course herself, and the writing that is flooding through me, guided by the Voice for God, that is more than anything this world could every offer. I am deeply grateful for this time and this experience. I have followed the Golden thread to the heart of the labyrinth, and defeated the monster of greed, and fear and guilth, and now I experience an abundance of creative possibilities adn miraculous transformation that is infinite.I am in the hands of God, and I am eternally protected and safe. Nothing can happen to me against my will. Nothing has happened. I am home, and I am free. Thank God!
I read a book called The Boy Who Loved Anne Frank about what would have happened if Peter lived. I am realizing I must go there, and to Poland where my mother was born to trace back this feeling of fear and guilt that entered me when I was nine and was attacked in the woods. The idea that I lost my innocence for some reason has haunted me. I am still filled occasionally with the misinterpretation of God's Will for me. I mistakenly think that I am being punished for something mysterious and unknown, but all-pervasive that only God can see. This, of course is completely wrong. The fear of God's Will is one of the strangest and most all pervasive beliefs ever created by mankind. It seems to stem from this idea that God gives life and takes it away, and if we do not live correctly we will be punished ultimately by death, but worse than that, eternal Hell! This is the one misperception core to the fear of God's Will that the Course attempts to correct. In listening to the Voice of God in silence, I am told that I am innocent, and that is the truth that replaces all illusion. Salvation is merely the release of illusion, and the restoration of truth, which is that death is an illusion, we do not die, and God's Will for us is that we heal and experience complete and utter bliss and joy when we recognize that we are loved and protected eternally. God does not punish sinners. Sin is merely a misperception based in fear and guilt, and once that misperception is recognized and forgiven, healing is inevitable. All healing is in the Mind of God, and in that sense, the world is affected by my personal healing. Multitudes of minds are affected by this one simple shift in perception which is the nature of a miracle. The test, of course, is if you can keep your peace WHILE the upset is occurring, and I can assure you, I lost mine! But in the days since I have been examining my mind to see what I actually believe, and I have realized that ever since that unexpected attack when I was a child I have harboured terror at the core of my being where innocence once lay. To restore myself to Childhood innocence has actually been my life's work, and it will be completed with the writing of my book and the healing work that I will do for the rest of my life. As I write, I realize that I am a messenger of God, and He is incomplete without me.

May peace prevail.


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