Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Re: Miracle in Rabat, Inch'Allah! By the Grace of God!

On 24/01/07, sonia haynes wrote:
Hello Shelora,
Thank you for your beautiful email and message. When I said to you that
your reason for going to Barcelona sometimes is not the reason, I hope
that now you are seeing what I mean. Sometimes God sends us to places
using the only reason that would cause us to get up and go. Please do
not lose heart about finding love. It will happen as I have said once
this Karmic journey is completed. You see, at one time your friend
M"Barek helped you, in spirit you made an agreement that in this
lifetime you would be in the position to assist him in his hour of
Your desire for love and your search for it created the space where you
could make it to begin your journey thus setting you on the path of a
lifetime. Had the message for you been "you will go to Europe where you
would eventually meet, help and become a catalyst for change in the
lives of so many", would you have gone? Would you have put aside your
dream of a mate, and allowed yourself to grow up beyond the high need
to now create that space within yourself for love to find you and
settle within you? The Shelora, I met that day in Lonsdale Quay was not
ready for such a thing. God has a way of giving us hope without us even
knowing what that message of hope is.
Thank you for allowing your heart to open and ever expand. Nothing can
close it now or ever. Thank you for being brave enough to still follow
the journey even when it seem that your desires are not arriving fast
enough. I promise you that love will be yours. My heart is full hearing
from your spirit.

I have a quick story. I have not sought love in my journey on this
planet because I found that my beloved is me. However I have taken the
path of being a light for others. The day we met I had chosen to put my
book in the Lonsdale Quay in order to promote my workshop. I know that
I am always being guided. The idea made no sense to me, however, I
always follow divine guidance so I booked my space, set up my booth, (I
think I forgot some of my promotional materials) and stood for hours
because, I forgot to bring a stool also. I am not a networker. I am not
a mass marketer. I sit in a quiet place and wait for the ones whose
hearts are open to the message to find me. When I have to go out into
the world it is an incredible burden for me. You see I love humanity, I
do not like the fear that keeps humanity bound is limitation and lack.
Based on the way that spirit has worked with me, I knew that I was in
the Quay to meet a very special angel who had gotten herself lost and
energetically knowing where she would be at that specific space in time
I showed up. I cannot say that I knew your name or what you looked
like. The outer appearance means nothing to me, I only know your
Now had I just appeared as a customer, sense could not have been made
of our encounter. I had to take the form of a woman promoting a little
book and a message about the power of money to capture your attention.
(You know the same thing happened when I spent a fortune setting up at
The Women's Expo last year. I met an angel who was in the space
emotionally to open to finding her way back to joy.) Our meeting lifted
my heart. After I met you I had no more reason to be there.
What caught your attention about me? I was not selling readings... I
was not trying to make myself conspicuous.

What I am trying to say dear angel is that you go where you are guided,
and in showing up you are given an opportunity to grow extra plumes on
your wings. Had you not followed the call of your heart... you would
not now be at the crossroad where you will be rewarded with the joy of
a love that fills you beyond what you as a mortal can conceive. That is
not to say that you go back to longing for love although I know that
now you cannot. This is the message of hope for you. Keep your heart
open and wait for spirit to guide you to that place for your actual
meeting with the soul that is your heart flame. Continue your work and
the blessings of the Divine spirit be with you.
Much love to you,

On 23-Jan-07, at 8:41 PM, Shelora Fitzgerald wrote:

> And so I prayed.I asked God, the Universe, the Force, The Holy Spirit,
> Allah, Jesus, all of them, whatever that allness, that "I Am" ness is,
> to send loving healing energy to M'Barek and his friends, to give them
> courage and hope to help M'Barek. I asked my friend and fellow Course
> in Miracles healer,

Dear Sonia,
What a marvelous, perfect, and timely reply. Barek moved his finger, and I see him whole and complete. He will make himself a leg, if that is what is needed, but the miracle is he will come out of the coma, simple, humble, at peace, accept what Allah has given him to deal with, and deal with it. He has taught me the lesson of love and humility and service. I know that we have known each other before. He promised he would take me to Jerusalem on camel. Three weeks. Now he has one leg. But it does not matter, because Jerusalem, the memory of those glorious days when Jesus was alive, live in my heart as if they are now. Because there is ONLY now. Thank you and bless you Sonia for holding my spirit in your heart and in your vision. Yes, I have always known I have a date with destiny, and that I am to do great work in spreading the message of abundant peace and prosperity to the planet. There is more than enough for all of us. I was drawn to your stillness. It was represented by the meditation tapes. I was supposed to buy something from the parkade to get the parking free, but I did not have to buy a tape. I recall I said, "I could use a little of that peace that meditation will bring me. I wanted to hear your voice, but the fact is I knew from your poise, your stillness, and your obvious inner peace, that you were an enlightened being. But what a gift you are to the world, standing in the market place, solitary shining, radiant with joy. Your passion and your vision captivated me. And there have been many many signs along the way. The angels drop little white feathers as a guide for me. There were eleven pennies along the path as I went to take out the garbage. I listen to the still small voice now, as I go amongst the hustle and the bustle.
I too have found the Beloved, and it is me. Any man that falls in love with me, will do so watching me work, seeing me in action. I am a Spiritual Activist. Just watch me, and you will see, and how could you not love me? The person will be attracted by my energy, which, by the way, is so much more powerful now, that I am a force to be reckoned with. I had been operating under the radar before, but now I am so large that I am visible, even when I say nothing. Which is what I will do. Whooee! What a wonderful ride this is! I love you, now, forever, and for always, my simple shepherd. I love you and your people. You are noble, and wise, and humble, and you have always been so. Bless you for being you, and for being in my life, and for listening to your guidance that day. It was an miracle.


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