Miracle in Rabat, Inch'Allah! By the Grace of God!
And so I prayed.I asked God, the Universe, the Force, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Jesus, all of them, whatever that allness, that "I Am" ness is, to send loving healing energy to M'Barek and his friends, to give them courage and hope to help M'Barek. I asked my friend and fellow Course in Miracles healer, Dr. Dennis Gaither, Psychiatrist, to tell me what the prognosis for someone who had ben in a coma for two weeks was. He told me, brain damage was likely, the longer that he stayed in the coma, that he needed to be fed intravenously, and by a feedign tube, he needed round the clock care, which he would not get in a public hospital. And the younger they are the better they do. I grieved the joyful, sunny, humble man who had taken such magnificent care of me in the desert, fed me, brought me water, made me laugh, and showed me the secrets of the desert, all the while, singing quietly his song of joy. I cried, I grieved. I let go. I accepted that it was not up to me, It was up to God, and to M'Barek. If he chose to go on, and be with his family, prehaps it was better than to live brain damaged, with one leg. How could he guide like that?
I asked my friends to pray. I asked my friend, Colin, who does long-distance energy work to send hin healing energy. He did so for a week. He told me that he saw M'Barek, "Is he a Blue Man of the Desert? he asked, "Yes, " I answered. "He is a Berber, the poorest of the poor in Morocco, so poor that the flood that took nine lives, four of them from M'Barek's family, is not even reported in the Moroccan news. No one takes note of the deaths. No one sends aid. I tried for three days to contact the Red Crescent, the equivalent of the Red Cross in Morocco. No response. Cannot be reached. They are left to take care of each other."
The Berbers, I discovered in Spain, are the Moors that Shakespeare speaks of, noble, elegant, and proud, who inhabited and ruled southern Spain for eight hundred years. They built L'Alhambra in Granada. They were scientists, architects who anticipated earthquakes, and allowed a gap in the slender alabaster columns so that the tremors would not destroy what must be one of the seven wonders of the World. They are wise, humble, noble people, nomads, now living simply in beautiful mud houses or tents, but extremely civilized, gentle, and kind people.
Colin told me M'Barek seemed, from what he could tell, much older than twenty-eight years old. He could only see his eyes, with his blue turban wrapped around his head. Colin told me he seemed at peace, content with what was happening, and he accepted the energy Colin sent him. He told me not to be sad, that M'Barek is fine, accepting of what has happened, at peace. I accepted that he might die. And I surrendered to that possibility. I accepted it. I felt his peace, let go, and gave him my permission to do if that was what he needed to do.
In fact, for two days I heard nothing, and I thought he might have died. I did not know. But I accepted and made peace with whatever happened. And on Sunday, I felt a shit, and a feeling of inexplicable Joy flooded through me. All day I focused my intention on M'Barek, while going through my day, meeting incredible people, and sharing the story with anyone who would listen.
I kept on sending him energy. I kept on seeing him in the light. I sent money. I asked my friends to help in any way that they could. One by one, people gave me money to send to M'Barek or sent it to Rachid, by Western Union. My cousin, Elaine Hobday, who recently lost her beautiful young daughter, Rosalind, to breast cancer, sent enough to keep M'Barek in the hospital for one day. I ws so encouraged by her kindness and generosity. It was like everyone was opening their hearts and what I wanted more than anything was for these three people to know that they are not alone, that we care for them, that we are touched by their tragedy, and we are willing to do something about it. They are not invisible. They exist, and they are one with us, and their lives have value.
And, of course, I realize now, that this is myself I am talking to. The action of love that I take in the world is given to myself. Because I am that man, who I consider to be the most humble, and richest man I have ever known.
I kept picturing him healthy and smiling, and laughing. I replayed every moment of those wonderful three days. I kept repeating his name, like a Mantra, and sending him all the love in my heart. I went to Western Union to send the money that my teacher friend Trevor gave, and came home. And there was an email from Rachid. He had been in the south, with his father, who gave him all the money he had, 1000 Dirhams. That is about ninety dollars. His life savings.Rachid told me that he had talked to the doctor, and M'Barek had moved his FINGER!
And he said that he should be out of the coma within a week!
It is a miracle. He will live! I am so grateful for this sign of life,
I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to me, all of you who have helped. You have made it possible for him to stay in the private clinic which was his only hope. Rachid says he is being very well cared for there. I am truly amazed and humbled by the gift that this experience has given me.
I now know, for absolutely sure, that I am not a body, I am Spirit, and I am free. As my friend, Dr. Gaither so eloquently put it, the portals of our love for each other have communicated across time and space, and demonstrated beond a shadow of a doubt what is Real. Only Love is real, and the healing came as he received and understood, at the level of his soul, how deeply loved he is. What a blessing this simple man has given me. This truth, which I knew previously only intellectually, is, as Dennis put it " now implicit, a part of the very fiber of my being" that we are not bodies. We are free. We DO NOT DIE! The Holy Relationship transcends time and space with the power of Divine Grace. We are all included in this blessing!
So thank you to all of you who offered your prayers and opened your hearts and some of your pocketbooks. It does not matter in what form you responded, and continue to respond, What matters is the outpouring of love that shifted everything. Never doubt that, as it says in A Course in Miracles, "Together we cannot do."
Bless us all, every one.! And THANK GOD for this miracle of healing which is available to all of us. THIS is the SECRET of the SECRET. This is the Law of Attraction at work. This is the healing power of love at work. That focused intention is what cut through the illusion of time and space and tapped into the realm of eternity.
On Sunday at Church where I went to listen to a lecture in a series on The Secret, the DVD that is sweeping the planet with a message of hope, of peace and prosperity for EVERY ONE. Austin and Mary Hennesy talked about the Vertical Axis that goes straight to the Kingdom of Heaven, and creates it here on Earth. They said, as it says in the Course in Miracles, that if you put the Peace of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, above all else, then all shall be given to you. Simple words, but profound in their implications.
Once you realize that, then you can have anything you want. And so it is.
In the midst of this process, I decided that I would take the opportunity to write to Oprah, and tell this story. She is looking for people to be on her show who have an amazing story to tell of how the Secret works in our lives. Proof, if you will, of ordinary miracles, using the law of attraction.
The last night I was in Fes with Assya and her family, Said, her brother, the musician, asked me to tell the world about them. I promised I would. I told him that some day I would be on Oprah telling the world about these people, their poverty, their generosity, and their beauty. And I would help them. I intend to make good on that promise, and I fully expect that when Jack Canfield and James Ray and all the others from the Secret DVD are on Oprah, I will be there with them. And if I am, it is because the Secret led me there.
Hold that thought, that i reach out to all the people watching the show and am able to touch their hearts and they send help to my friends in Merzouga.
Peace and prosperity and well being for all. That is my heart's desire.
What happened after this???
A whole waterfall of miraculous events that I will be writing about in my book. But the most wonderful part is that the government of Qatar gave two and a half million dollars to rebuild the villages that were wiped out, and M'Barek has a new home being built for him. I remain in constant communication with Rachid by Skype, and together we are planning an event that will contribute to the healing of the water of the world. The prayer was answered, and more. Thanks for asking!
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