Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Path of Abraham: A Pilgrimage of Peace

Dear Friends

This summer I went to Spain thinking I would walk El Camino Del Campostello. Instead I found myself alone with my guide in the Sahara desert in Morocco looking at the Face of God from atop a dromedary ( a one-humped camel.) As the camel swayed, I watched the magnificent sunset over the sand dunes. Enraptured, I found myself singing, in a language I did not know, an unbearably sweet song which my soul understood to be a hymn of praise to Jerusalem. In that sacred moment I made a solemn promise, a vow to myself and to God (which I consider the same entity) that not only would I remember this moment on my dying day, but I would work for the rest of my days to make peace in Jerusalem between all the different faiths.

Today I discovered this project:

The building of this Abrahamic path of pilgrimage and worship  is, I believe, essential to restoring peace to this planet through forgiveness, compassion and understanding.

In the words of the poet Rumi,

"Define and narrow me,
You starve yourself of yourself.
Nail me down with a box of cold words,
That box is your coffin.

I do not know who I am.
I am in astounded lucid confusion.
I am not a Christian, not a Jew,
not a Zoroastrian,
I am not even a Muslim....
I am the life of life.
I am that cat, this stone, no one.....
I see and know all times and worlds
As one, always one.

What do I have to do to get you to admit who is speaking?
Admit it and change everything!
This is your own voice echoing off the walls of God."

In the words of A Course in Miracles, the Voice for Love, perhaps that of Christ, states:

"The power of our joint motivation is beyond belief, but not beyond accomplishment.
What we can accomplish together has no  limits,
because the call for God is the  call to the unlimited."

Please help participate in this beautiful work of affirming and walking the path of peace.
May peace prevail.


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